Alsa Rail - Railway personnel

Article 69.1 of Law 38/2015 of 29 September on the Railway Sector stipulates that railway personnel must have completed a qualification allowing them to carry out their duties to the required standards of safety and efficiency.

This legal provision is updated in Order FOM/2782/2010 of 5 November, which sets out the conditions for issuing qualifications and certifications allowing railway personnel to perform safety-related duties, as well as the rules governing railway training centres and psychophysical aptitude assessment centres.

Among other objectives, this ministerial order establishes the conditions, requirements and procedures for obtaining driving licences and certificates, as well as the necessary qualifications for performing functions relating to rail safety on the public rail network (RFIG).

It identifies the following professional groups:

  • Driving personnel
  • Traffic personnel
  • Infrastructure personnel
  • Train operations personnel
  • Maintenance personnel

Within each group, different programmes are available to train participants to work in the railway sector. Alsa is licensed to deliver most of these training programmes.

They are listed below:

Driving personnel

- Railway Vehicle Driving Licence

- Certificates by type of equipment and infrastructure

Infrastructure personnel

- Infrastructure Machinery Operator (OMI)

- Traffic Safety Pilot (PS)

- Works Manager (ET)

Operations personnel

- Train Operations Assistant (AOT)

- Manoeuvring Vehicle Operator (OVM)

- Cabin Attendant (AdC)

- Cargo Operations Manager (ROC)

Maintenance personnel

- Maintenance Control Manager (RCM)