Alicante - Madrid


What to do

Travel by coach from Alicante to Madrid with Alsa for a quick, comfortable and pleasant journey. Only Alsa offers you the chance to travel from Alicante to Madrid by coach at the best rate guaranteed. And if you buy your tickets in advance at you can avail of our cheapest deals.

This wonderful city has all kinds of cultural and leisure activities to choose from. Enjoy the sunny weather that fills the city with light almost all year round on the breathtaking fine-sand beaches and turquoise waters. Take a walk around the centre of Alicante to admire the City Hall, an old baroque palace, as well as other spots that are full of history, such as the Santa Bárbara and San Fernando Castles. Museums such as the MARQ Archaeological Museum and the Museum of the University of Alicante (MUA) offer interesting permanent exhibitions. Make sure you don’t miss the Co-cathedral of Saint Nicholas of Bari, the Basilica of Santa María, and the Santa Faz Monastery. As a big tourist destination, Alicante has a great selection of restaurants, bars and nightclubs.

There are all kinds of activities and events going on in Madrid at any time of the day. Famous museums, theatres, cinemas, and exhibitions centres always offer the best programmes. There is a vast selection of restaurants where you can try traditional dishes, lots of fun bars, and a wealth of cultural heritage well worth visiting. Taking a stroll through the city’s streets, you won’t miss the Royal Palace, the Retiro Park, and the Almudena Cathedral. The culinary offering is also probably the most varied in the country, with flavours from all corners of the country and the five continents.

Bus stations


Coaches travelling from Alicante to Madrid depart from the Estación de Autobuses de Alicante bus station, located on Muelle Poniente, 13, near the city port.

All stations are connected to the public transport network and have public parking.


Your journey will end either at the Estación Sur bus station or at the Madrid Barajas Airport - T4.